Saturday 12 April 2014

'Men try to kiss me within 10 minutes of meeting': Meet the tattooed woman who's the most popular date on OKCupid but claims attention is ruining her love life

Lauren Urasek, a striking 23-year-old makeup artist from Manhattan, is used to men showering her with attention - and peppering her OKCupid account with dozens of salacious messages every day. 
Urasek became a notorious figure on New York City's dating scene after being crowned the most popular woman on OKCupid earlier this year.
Her status as one of Big Apple's most eligible bachelorettes reached a new high in late February when New York magazine profiled her for an article titled, 'Meet the 4 most desired people in New York (According to OKCUpid).'
With her piercing blue eyes, a cascade of thick, jet-black hair, ruby-red lips and eye-catching tattoos decorating much of her body, Urasek has proven irresistible to scores of men searching for a soul mate - or a hookup.
On Friday, Miss Urasek, who is currently single, penned a first-person account for the women's blog XOJane addressing her online dating fame - and the toll it has taken on her love life.
Lauren Urasek rejoined OKCupid in January after getting out of a seven-month relationship with a man she had met on the popular site.
Wanted and desired: Urasek has been getting about 35 messages a day from smitten OKCupid users
Wanted and desired: Urasek has been getting about 35 messages a day from smitten OKCupid users

About a girl: Urasek is 5-foot-five, curvy, an atheist and an astronomy geek who enjoys 'hockey, whiskey, swimming in an open ocean, down comforters'
About a girl: Urasek is 5-foot-five, curvy, an atheist and an astronomy geek who enjoys 'hockey, whiskey, swimming in an open ocean, down comforters'

Her profile, which appears under the user name nebulaeandstuff, reads that she is 5-foot-five, curvy, an atheist and an astronomy geek. She enjoys 'hockey, whiskey, swimming in an open ocean, down comforters.’

Lauren Urasek's roundup of 10 terrible pickup lines:

  • Sup freakshow u wanna trade some naughty pics?
  • Your breasts are amazing.
  • Wouldn't mind ripping that dress off of you
  • Can you open up your chat...I want to spoil you a lot
  • I had a dream last night that i grilled cheese sandwich was eating me. What do you think that means?
  • Hey wassuup wanna meet and play
  • I am looking for a submissive who has few to no limits
  • Hey, you are cute like a little mouse. Wanna play a game?
  • If you could, would you have a red panda as a pet?
  • Would you like to go out to a RED LOBSTER with me?
'I don’t get intimidated easily,' her description warns prospective suitors.
Within weeks of signing up for the dating service, Urasek was getting about 35 messages a day from her admirers  - many of them grossly profane - and racking up thousands of 4- and 5-star ratings.
'I haven't ever claimed to be the hottest piece of a** out there, and growing up as an ugly duckling, it was a surprise,' Urasek wrote on XOJane.com. 
For all those who may wonder what makes her stand out among all the female OKCupid users, Miss Urasek wryly suggested that perhaps it is the winning combination of her looks, the correct spelling of her profile and her ability to steer clear of clichés like ‘living life to the fullest’ and ‘long walks on the beach.’
But the torrent of crass missives from aspiring boyfriends and lovers has reached a point where Urasek was forced to delete her account. She later created a new profile in a bid to rid herself of some of the most undesirable devotees.
The 23-year-old stunner then decided to strike back by creating a Tumblr account called Theyreallysaidthis, where she has been cataloging the most entertaining, grotesque and bizarre messages from her OKCupid gentlemen-callers.
Miss picky: The 23-year-old online dating star has gone out on fewer than 10 dates over the past three months because she only meets up with men whom she finds attractive and who share her interests
Urasek admitted that she has been rejected by men whom she liked
Miss picky: The 23-year-old online dating star has gone out on fewer than 10 dates over the past three months because she only meets up with men whom she finds attractive and who share her interests

Back on the market: Urasek rejoined OKCupid in January after getting out of a relationship with a man she had met on the site
Back on the market: Urasek rejoined OKCupid in January after getting out of a relationship with a man she had met on the site

‘All the while I was receiving things like: "Sup freakshow? wanna trade some naughty pics?", my hope wasn't gone that I could possibly meet a great guy on the site,’ Miss Urasek wrote.
The brunette, blue-eyed beauty explained that she has not been lucky in love in New York City, perhaps because she can be intimidating and seem inapproachable.
But she is not letting guys off the hook that easily either.
‘Guys I've come in contact with have no social skills in person,’ she stated. ‘Brooklyn dudes are more concerned with their skinny jeans and haircuts than being a man.’
Armed with a selective approach to dating hinging on attraction and common interests, Miss Urasek has gone out on fewer than 10 rendezvous over the past three months.
Bad romance: Some of her admirers send her sexually explicit messages, including offers to have sex with her for money
Bad romance: Some of her admirers send her sexually explicit messages, including offers to have sex with her for money
‘Out of the dates I have gone on, I've met guys that tried to kiss me within 10 minutes of meeting me, lied about their height and/or weight in their profile and propositioned me with monetary offers for sex,’ Urasek wrote.
But the gorgeous 23-year-old bachelorette admitted that there were some men she liked who were not interested in going out on a second date with her.
Harsh critique: Miss Urasek said some of the men she's dated had no social skills, while others were not manly enough
Harsh critique: Miss Urasek said some of the men she's dated had no social skills, while others were not manly enough
‘Not even the most messaged girl on OkCupid is immune to rejection,’ she remarked.
Miss Urasek said that her single status is not weighing too heavily on her since she is confident enough not to be obsessed with the idea of finding a mate.
And as it turns out, having hordes of infatuated admirers also has a downside to it, according to Urasek, namely, too many options on the table.
‘I have gone on first dates where at the end of the night I'm unsure if I would go on a second,’ she mused. ‘Maybe I would choose to go on a second date if I didn't have new offers every day.’
Overall, the OKCupid star summed up the dating experience in New York City as exhausting and not fun.
‘Trust me, the free oysters and endless glasses of bourbon aren't worth it,’ she said.
And while it may flattering having the ability to take her pick of the men, Urasek pointed out, ‘Attention from 1,000 men doesn't equate to attention from one significant man.’

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